Art for Advent by Poor Bishop Hooper



Let this Advent season be marked with a new nearness to God and his people.

Art often helps us think about God in new ways. We like to say it helps us see a new side of his face. But the power of the scriptures, the written word, and being together in community are also invaluable in experiencing the fullness of Christ. Because of this, we have put together other resources that follow the audio and visuals of ‘Firstborn.’ Our desire would be that these materials would exist hand in hand with the music, each playing a part in creating a deeper revelation of God’s overwhelming love.



Each of Firstborn's six songs draws heavily on the scriptures. But the richness of the Bible is something we always desire to embrace more fully. With that in mind, focusing on the scriptures daily throughout advent is a wonderful way to engage with the Lord more purposefully. Along with these shorter daily meditations, we also have more robust writings that focus on the theme of each week. Together, we hope these words and songs draw out the deeper things of Christ in our lives.

Coming Soon!

Home guide

We believe that one of the greatest ways we can both experience and show God’s love, is by spending time with one another in the home. This comprehensive study follows the songs and visuals of Firstborn, adding meditations, discussion questions, and liturgical rhythms to help your family, bible study, or small community encounter God during the Advent season.

Coming Soon!



Children’s materials

If you have kids in the home, Christmas is a magical season. Amidst such intrigue, the truths and splendor of Jesus can come to light in their hearts and minds in fascinating ways. This material provides easy ways for parents and communities to engage with their children during Advent. With suggestions for hands-on, simple, and meaningful activities, as well as age-appropriate conversation starters, our prayer is that this material would help children come into deeper friendship with Jesus.

Coming Soon!